Governor Polis Order

16072020 Citing models that show the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases could overwhelm Colorados ICU beds by early September Democratic Gover...

Governor Polis Executive Order Covid

Jared Polis issued a flurry of executive orders Thursday night directing the. Polis signed multiple Executive Orders on Friday in response ...

Governor Polis Executive Order Masks

16072020 As first reported by Colorado Politics Gov. Jared Polis has issued an executive order requiring essential workers at places like g...

Governor Polis Order To Wear Masks

Jared Polis their commanding officer has a dim view of shirking masks. Jared Polis declared Friday that all employees deemed essential and ...

Polis Executive Order Today

26032020 Executive order D 2020 016 concerns protocol for state prisons and community corrections facilities the release said. Jared Polis ...